March 22, 2013

My Everyday | Creator Series Featuring ... Nicole Gonzalez of Bluum

[#1] Share with us a snippet of your story.
I was born and raised in NYC. I met my fiancee in high school and we have been stuck on each other ever since. We have a beautiful son, Lucas Leon, who is the light of our life. He is the most charismatic, loving little boy I have ever laid eyes on and I count my blessings every day that he's all ours. We did things a little backwards (first comes love, then comes baby..) but I wouldn't have it any other way. My family of boys pretty much rocks.

[#2] What is your favorite part of the day with your little one[s]?
Lucas is 15 months and our bed time routine has changed very little since we brought him home. We take a long bubble bath (sometimes mommy joins him ;) and sing, dance, play until his little fingers and toes are wrinkled. A massage, fresh pj's, and a few tickles later it's time for his bottle. Every night we snuggle on the couch with a blanket and he falls asleep on my chest. I don't put him him in his crib until he's literally snoring. I still get told (ahem..hi mom!) that I should put him down before he falls asleep, but to be quite honest, I wouldn't have it any other way. I treasure those quiet moments after a long day (and he's still my little baby!)

[#3] The chores are done, there's nothing expected of you and you've got 45 minutes of personal free would you spend it?
45 minutes? That's an eternity in toddler world! If I'm all caught up on emails and the little guy is snoozing, I love to veg out and catch up on trash tv. The Kardashians is a guilty pleasure. Please don't judge me!

[#4] If you could give us a peek inside your home - what image would you share and why?
Our bedroom is where a lot of love and play time happens. We live on a high floor and I adore the natural light and big open windows looking out into the city.

[#5] Share with us a little back story on Bluum & what your role is with them. 
Bluum is a subscription service for moms and little ones 0-36 months. Our team of amazing moms curate each box based on your babies age, developmental stage, and your preferences as a mama. I work on brand development, social media, and bringing moms the skinny on awesome products for their kiddos!

[#6] How does Bluum work & what are some of the benefits of receiving one of those cute packages in the mail? 
Each month you get a box delivered straight to your door step. Inside, you will have 4-6 full size products for you and your little one to try and love. The point is to find what works for your family without ever having to leave your home and become inundated with the overwhelming amount of products on the market. We bring you the best, and all our picks are mom and baby approved! 

Creator Series GIVEAWAY | sign up for the Kelli + Vanessa newsletter list on the left sidebar of this blog & you'll be entered to win a baby OR toddler Bluum box. Winner announced & contacted by March 29, 2013. Easy enough!

50% OFF DISCOUNT CODE for your first Bluum box! Code: savesm50 // AWESOME & totally worth it!

Be sure and follow @bluumbabygirl on Instagram! You can also keep up with the series by following @kelliandvanessa or #myeverydaymoms


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