March 4, 2013

My Everyday featuring ... Madelon Verdoorn

[#1] Share with us a snippet of your story.
I live in Holland, am happily married to the love of my life, have a son of 3 and a baby girl of 9 weeks. I studied social work and after various jobs in different disciplines I ended up working as a Consultant at a Recruitment Agency (since my boy is home for 3 days a week). I love meeting and talking to new people, so I guess it suits me. In my free time however I like to watch creative people, have creative thoughts and dream big. But do not do anything yet... Baby steps, I'm going to learn how my 'real' camera works this year! 

[#2] What is your favorite part of the day with your little one[s]?
My favorite time is actually the weekend, when we are all together. Just hanging around in our house, or doing things as a family of four. With a newborn it is a bit harder to go out and do fun stuff with our older child. When my husband is around, it is so much easier! 
My favorite time of the day with my son is bedtime. Just the two of us. First we read some books and then we talk about his day. I love hearing him talk and know what goes on in that little head of his!
Because i'm still on maternity leave, my favorite time with my baby girl are the days my son goes to preschool and I can just look and cuddle her all day long without feeling guilty towards my boy!

[#3] Name Three Instagram MOMS who inspire you.
just 3?! there are moms a lot of people admire, so do I, but amongst many others, I  truly admire @meaghancurry, @lisamboyce and @newleafrags. I just love how honest they are and how they let (and stimulate) their children to be their funny, creative and authentic selves!

[#4] The chores are done, there's nothing expected of you and you've got 45 minutes of personal free would you spend it?
check IG. Taking a shower, read a magazine, drink a coffee or just sit down and do absolutely nothing. I don't need much to make me happy.

[#5] What are your staple go-to pieces from your closet this month?
I just gave birth, so most clothes don't fit yet (or will ever again...). For the last few weeks I have worn skinny jeans (low rise of course) and baggy sweaters. And if it's been a rough night: red lipstick!

[#6] If you could give us a peek inside your home - what image would you share and why? 
My house looks like this everyday.

[#7] Share a photo you wouldn't typically post on Instagram but depicts real life happenings.
There is not much I don't post on IG, especially after reading the blog 'keep the mom in the picture' from Allison Tate (must read for every mother!). Because I document everyday life, I even post dark and blurry photos... I normally don't post my kids naked, except this time!

Be sure and follow @madebylon on Instagram! You can also keep up with the series by following @kelliandvanessa or #myeverydaymoms


  1. So happy to see Madelon here. One of my favourite IG moms for sure!
